Saturday, January 17, 2009
Despre my bouquet
Pentru ca am avut patru domnisoare de onoare si un singur buchet de mireasa am rezolvat astfel problema: 20 de trandafiri albi si un trandafir rosu in mijloc. Trandafirii albi au fost impartiti in 4 buchetele de cate 5 trandafiri.Cel rosu a fost prins doar in buchetul mare. Bineinteles nu mi-am avertizat domnisoarele de onoare. Le-am facut o surpriza: inainte sa arunc buchetul l-am desfacut, am oprit trandafirul rosu si am aruncat...patru buchetele! Au ramas surprinse; nu mai stiau ce buchet sa prinda mai intai!
That's the strange beauty of marriage: It's full of hard times and hard lessons that no one can ever prepare you for. But in the end, those are the things that give richness to your life together -- and make your love even deeper and stronger than when it began.
Marriage: You'll realize that you can only change yourself
Ever seen the '80s sci-fi cult classic "Making Mr. Right?" When the stylish heroine, played by Ann Magnuson, is hired to teach a robot how to act like a human, she seizes the chance to create a perfect guy. A hotshot commercial whiz, she uses her marketing prowess to shape John Malkovich's android character into her personal version of the ideal man -- sensitive, eager to please, and willing to listen.
There is a bit of that makeover fantasy in all of us -- something that makes us believe we can change the person we love, make him just a little bit closer to perfect. We may use support and empathy or shouts and ultimatums, but with dogged conviction we take on this huge responsibility, convinced we're doing the right thing.
Whatever our motives, the effort is exhausting. Transforming a full-grown man -- stripping him of decades-old habits, beliefs, and idiosyncrasies -- is truly an impossible task. And you will come to realize, sooner than later if you're lucky, that it is far easier to change the way you respond to him.
There is a bit of that makeover fantasy in all of us -- something that makes us believe we can change the person we love, make him just a little bit closer to perfect. We may use support and empathy or shouts and ultimatums, but with dogged conviction we take on this huge responsibility, convinced we're doing the right thing.
Whatever our motives, the effort is exhausting. Transforming a full-grown man -- stripping him of decades-old habits, beliefs, and idiosyncrasies -- is truly an impossible task. And you will come to realize, sooner than later if you're lucky, that it is far easier to change the way you respond to him.
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