Monday, January 12, 2009
Povestea de azi: Corina si Ionut
Corina mi-a trimis un e-mail intitulat scurt "NOI doi".Povestea lor, desi lunga, a spus-o in cateva randuri: "Povestea noastra? cunoastem din clasa I-a, de fapt, am fost colegi de clasa pana in clasa 12, am fost vecini...cand am ajuns la facultate ne-am mutat impreuna.
Dupa 10 ani am hotarat sa facem pasul mult asteptat---SA NE CASATORIM!!
Anul trecut (2008) in iulie pe 26 am avut o nunta mica, cu oameni a fost..superb!!"
Le dorim casa de piatra,copii frumosi si multa fericire!
You'll work harder than you ever imagined.
Early on, when people say, "Marriage takes work," you assume "work" means being patient when he forgets to put down the toilet seat. In your naivete, you think that you will struggle to accommodate some annoying habit, like persistent knuckle cracking or flatulence.
If only it were that easy. Human beings, you may have noticed, are not simple creatures. Your man has mysterious, unplumbed depths -- and from where he sits, you're pretty complicated, too. You have to learn each other the same way that you once learned earth science or world geography. And getting married doesn't mean you're done -- it just means you've advanced to graduate-level studies. That's because every time you think you've mastered the material, he'll change a bit. And so will you. As two people grow and evolve, the real work of marriage is finding a way to relate to and nurture each other in the process.
"It's like losing weight," says Andrea Harden, 45, of
You're smart. You know life is no storybook. But admit it:
You will look at the person lying next to you and wonder, Is this it? Forever?
Actually, it is. You just didn't realize it the day you and your guy were cramming wedding cake into each other's faces, clinking champagne glasses, and dancing the Electric Slide. Back then you had no idea that "for better and for worse" doesn't kick in only when life hands you a tragedy. Your relationship mettle is, in fact, most tested on a daily basis, when the utter sameness of day-in/day-out togetherness can sometimes make you want to run for the hills. That's when the disappointment sneaks in, and maybe even a palpable sense of loneliness and grief. It's not him. It's just you, letting go of that sugarcoated fantasy of marriage that danced in your eyes the day you and your beloved posed in all those soft-focus wedding photos. You're learning that marriage isn't a destination; it's a journey filled with equal parts excitement and tedium.
Waking up from a good dream to face the harsh morning daylight may not seem like a reason to celebrate. But trust me, it is. Because once you let go of all the hokey stories of eternal bliss, you find that the reality of marriage is far richer and more rewarding than you ever could have guessed. Hard, yes. Frustrating, yes. But full of its own powerful, quiet enchantments just the same, and that's better than any fairy tale.